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This book is an educational primer, providing a concise preparatory overview of early British infantry flintlocks in context. Written for history lovers and antique militaria collectors, Evolution of the Brown Bess Musket is lavishly illustrated with artwork, period documents, and flintlock-era British military weapons, many published for the first time. Covering basics for newcomers, new objects and concepts will also interest more experienced scholars and collectors. This holistic monarch-by-monarch journey explores and summarizes how early military flintlocks arms and tactics inter-relate with events in British and Colonial American history. George Washington's formative pre-1776 career is also featured. As a user-friendly readable book presenting artifacts as part of history, we witness the evolution of America, Great Britain, and the early British Empire, yielding relevant insights into the world as it is today.
Chapters include:PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionAnatomy of Brown BessGlossaryOne British Monarchies in the Flintlock AgeTwo Matchlocks & Wheelocks: British Infantry Musket PrecursorsThree Lineage of Brown BessFour James I: From Matchlock to SnaphaunceFive Charles I and II: English Lock Military Arms of the English Civil WarSix James II: Post-English Civil War Army Ordnance FlintlocksSeven William III & Mary: Army Ordnance Flintlock ArmsEight Queen Anne: Army Ordnance Flintlock ArmsNine George I: Non-Standard Colonel's MusketTen George I: Pattern 1718 Iron-Mounted Muskets "Pattern of 10,000"Eleven George II: Ordnance System of ProductionTwelve George II: Brown Bess (King's Pattern Land Musket)Thirteen George II: (and George W.): The French & Indian WarFourteen George III: Before the American RevolutionEpilogue George III: (vs George W.) The American RevolutionConclusion"Brown Bess" a poem by Rudyard KiplingBibliographyIndex
168 pages, soft bound, 11" by 8-1/2" format, full color photographs.
ISBN 978-0-9765797-7-9